Friday, 11 May 2007

No 10 Health Visiting Petition

We like health visitors! They are a brow beaten and demoralised profession, seeing their role undermined and training numbers cut for reasons incomprehensible to anyone in early years work. At a time when the government pours millions into schemes such as Sure Start, Children's Centres and Every Child Matters aimed at helping families, they cut the very lifeline to support and guidance for thousands of families. HVs are the only group that visit every home in the country and research shows families overwhelmingly enjoy the support they receive from their health visitor.

Poor standards in health visiting has everything to do with high case loads, insufficient training and low moral. Please visit the Number Ten petitions website and sign your support.

Copy this URL and post where you can to support these overworked and undervalued people...

It says
"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to to make a commitment to establish a well-funded, well-trained universal health visitor service available to all parents of children under five, with specialist support for the most vulnerable families."

Or to go to the petition Click here

Cheers, Clive

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